Sunday, December 2, 2007

Von Adult Christmas Dinner

We had a great time at the Roof. (We missed you Jeff and LaDawn) The view was beautiful and the food was good. Even the fire alarm couldn't keep us away from the buffet.

Russon Thanksgiving/Christmas party

It just wouldn't be the holidays without a couple-o-pinatas.

Cougars 17, the other "team", 10

It's all Cougars all the time around here. If you waver in your loyalties, then it's eternal garbage duty. And please don't cry about the refs. Thanks.

The Griswalds couldn't be more proud

Tree permit: 5 bucks

Gasoline: 97 bucks

Cutting your own sprig: priceless?

Webb Turkey Night

You would think that after a full turkey meal, you would never want to see the danged bird again. But turkey sandwiches taste real good with family and a video on the big screen.

Turkey Day at the Von's

The food and company were excellent.

Fun with ladies panty hose

Everyone needs to try this at least once in their life.