Sunday, January 6, 2008

It's the holiday season!

Our very own personal family party. BBQ burgers around the fire with the lights of the Christmas tree twinkling behind.


Jacqui said...

Wow! Thanks for posting all the fun photo updates. I really felt like I was there with your family for all the fun activities. sniff sniff. Kraig wants to know where you were exactly when you snapped that photo in mom and dad's kitchen on the NEw Year's post. Were you levetating?

Bryce and Karlene said...

No you sweethearts, just holding the camera over my head to catch all of the "action".

p.s. Dear Jacqui, we posted a comment on your blog and spelled your name wrong. Sorry. With a name like VonNiederhausern, we've long since lost the importance of name spelling.

Jacqui said...

Mr. Voneightherihneslhrfsen--

We, Jackie and I, sincerely appreciate the--somewhat--heartfelt appology. However, your words have fallen on hearts of stone. Let's see...hmmm...looks like we'll have 8 extra plates when the Webbs all get together for Chef Lug's Lovin'.

Yours in food--
